Who We Are
The Marion County Citizens Band is a diverse group of Oregon musicians who delight in bringing the joy of concert band music to the public. Our repertoire includes every genre of music, from Sousa marches to classic Glenn Miller arrangements to "serious" composers like Holst and Ralph Vaughn Williams.
Throughout the year we perform in several venues including Mt. Angel’s Oktoberfest (where we are the Official Concert Band), the Silverton Adult Band Festival, Mt. Angel 4th of July Fireworks event, Mt. Angel Towers, Capital Manor, Canby's Slice of Summer, as well as public outdoor concerts from the Mt. Angel Gazebo, and Silverton Town Square.
Visit our Schedule page to learn about this year's performances.
Our next public performance is:
Monday, May 26
Memorial Day
Calvary Cemetery
Mt. Angel, Oregon 9:30 AM
Public Invited!
We have openings in several sections of the band: for a current list of musical opportunities, please visit our Join Us page.
For a preview of our music, visit Sounds.
The Marion County Citizens Band is a 501(c)(3) organization. Please in support us!